Have you observed any sings telling you you might be toiling instead of working? I am very grateful for the advance of technology because it saves us a lot of work and time. Yet, it seems that humankind is struggling with finding the right “things” with which to fill this newly found treasure pot. Instead, we fill it it with things. With stuff. Many times we toil seven days a week, even though the 5-day working week has been established fairly long ago.
Why do we do that?
Do we want more money for entertainment? Bigger homes with more stuff? Or, subconsciously, more stimulating experiences to fill our emptiness, more self-worth from being a busy and successful person? What do I do, when I feel empty? What should I fill myself with? Sometimes I do pause to give an honest answer.
Workaholism or “toilaholism”?
I quite like the word “workaholic”, still I think “toilaholic” would be a more precise term. It is not OK to be drunk by toil and to be addicted to it, is it? On the other hand, work I think, is the “dream job” — doing what you love, giving all your heart and abilities into it, with the attitude of service and purpose. I am convinced we were created to be co-creators. We are created in God’s image after all. Destined to create in order to make this place better, nicer, and kinder. Everyone was given the gift of work in order to bring about something beautiful.
Yet I can see moments in my life and of many of my beloved ones (and the world in general) when I have believed the lie that I have to toil, to have stuff and significance.
Abandon toil and embrace work
By help of great books and my own failings and successes God has been showing me lately what is truly important: Be in the present moment. Be joyful in any situation. Be content and grateful. Yet use every opportunity to give, serve and fulfill your own dreams. Find the true meaning of work and balance it with true rest. Yes, we cannot rest and dream unless we abandon toil and embrace work.
I am reading Money and the Prosperous Soul by Stephen K. De Silva. He helped me to see the stark contrast between work and toil. (The book gave me a great perspective on many other matters as well. I totally recommend it to you.)
Some of the signs you might be toiling instead of working:
- 7-day working week, no Sundays
- feeling you are so important that you cannot leave your work even for half a day
- no ability to delegate, feeling no-one can do it as well as you do
- thinking about your job tasks at home
- neglecting your family
- neglecting your rest
- no time for dreaming
- fear to dream
- thinking it is wrong to dream
- forgetting things
- never having enough
Some of the signs you might be working and not toiling:
- 5 or 6 day working week
- ability to delegate so you can have a day off if you need or want
- a Sabbatical a couple of times a life
- leaving your work assignments at your workplace
- your heart turned towards your family, not your job
- understanding the proper meaning and place of rest in your life and resting according to it
- having a hobby
- continuous self-education
- being inspiring for others
- understanding the importance of dreaming for your own development and progress of humankind
- courage to dream
- creative time for dreaming
- spending time with your family
- being content and grateful
- … ?
How do you see it? What does it mean to work vs. toil? I WELCOME MORE OF YOUR SUGGESTIONS!! Thank you 🙂