what others say about me
My curator, dr. Moza:
Lucia Tužinská is now a well-known artist thanks to her musical and visual arts talent, which she has systematically developed throughout her life. Her artistic wonders captivate the audience with deep emotions often lacking in human interactions. She infuses imagination into surreal narratives as if illustrating our lives. She transforms dreams and desires into the delicacy of stories. What I admire about this artist is her confidence in standing firm in today’s superficial world, utilizing creative approaches that many shy away from because they are supposedly out of fashion. However, these are precisely what people deeply miss, for they are about love and tenderness, laughter, and lasting joy. Rejoicing in the moment we call life. Lucia’s work is undoubtedly popular with audiences. Recently, she has started painting stories with a hint of abstraction. It must be emphasized they are exquisite. She is a remarkable woman and a talented painter.
PhDr. Ľuboslav Moza, PhD
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, what God has prepared for those who love Him.”
(1 Corinthians 2:9)
… Still, we can catch glimpses o the beauty and wonder that God has in store for us from your paintings, Luci.
May the Holy Spirit work through you and may His grace touch the hearts of all who view your art. Your images of the world, infinity, joy, and stories depicted on canvas refresh our often parched and weary spirits. Let us soar into beautiful adventures, for God has amazing things in store for us all – including you, Luci! Marek, my beloved brother.
“Lucy, I want to express my gratitude for your paintings, which bring joy and serve to make others happy through your exceptional talent. I take pride in having your artwork displayed in my home. It is my wish that more people get to experience the joy and beauty that lies within you, as showcased in your drawings and paintings.” Mirko C.
“We have a lovely artwork in our home, created by a talented painter, Lucia Tužinská. It portrays the magnificent Neuschwanstein Castle. We hung it in our entrance hall, as it beautifully symbolizes the essence of our home— elegant, pristine, and filled with tranquility.” Agata K.
“Marvelous artwork filled with love, joy, and spirit. Astonishing details, bold modern ideas and abstraction combined with tradition and a touch of surrealism. Prodigious composition, use and combination of of colors. It was a blessing to see exposition, leaving with a comforted soul. Many thanks to the heartwarming author.” Samuel L.
“Lucy has been my friend for 30 years. She gave me one of her paintings for my birthday. It hangs on the wall across from my wardrobe, and whenever I walk out of the room, I look at it, and it reminds me of who I am — a free and creative woman, capable of crafting a life filled with the love and joy of the people around me.” Mary C.
“The artwork by Lucka Tužinská is not merely a beautiful piece, but it also conveys a profound feeling, depth, and connection that Lucka has towards God and people. Filled with love, joy, and pride, we have placed it on our living room wall so that it catches the eye of everyone who enters and lets them wonder: Who created this remarkable painting?” Renata O.
“Dear and graceful Luci, your inner radiance glows through your brushstrokes, hidden yet revealed. Thank you for being you. Thank you for creating and giving beauty new distinct paths.” Lenka K.
Lucie Tužinska’s paintings immediately caught my attention at the exhibition in Incheba. Just the beautiful colour combinations, especially with turquoise, have a very positive effect on people. In a second, you forget about reality and immerse yourself in a pleasant, dreamy or even fairy-tale story, which you co-create in your mind on the basis of the chosen theme, when looking at this or that painting. They evoke a very pleasant, peaceful atmosphere with a real feeling of caressing the human soul.
Visitor of the exhibition Nikoleta Leskovská, Bratislava
“As I walked by your paintings, I felt my spirit filling up. I didn’t need to say anything, just be and feel the beauty! I found it profoundly healing just being and looking and letting the images speak to me. You are an encouragement to me!” Lucia P.
“I am truly delighted to have had the opportunity to get to know not only you, a charming lady, but also your beautiful poetic art, which is pleasing to my eye. You live in a beautiful world of dreams and mysterious stories. I love that. May the Muse never leave you.” Milan B.
Tužinská Lucia
fairy beautiful and sweet
creative friend,
who listens
and opens her soul
in her paintings
also for us.
Dušan S.
“It’s a fantastic work. I love the choice of colors, they are so harmonious and expressive at the same time. For me it has a peaceful atmosphere, it allows us to forget what is happening around us and immerse ourselves in a world full of peace and love.” Harald B. (about one of my paintings)
“I’m reading a book. It is about the meaning of life and the mission we have here. I’m only guessing mine so far, so don’t let much sage talk get in the way. But maybe if I were you, I’d wonder if your mission has something to do with painting.” Mirko Č.
😀 😀 😀
“What a fantastic tribute! They remind me of a very creative wind chimes! I don’t like it, I LOVE it! That was a wonderful idea to put the one with yellow and blue dangling detached It looks like a mini landscape! Exceptionally well done! Bravo!!! A.C. (about the painting Freedom of Choice, a tribute to my hero, the psychiatrist, holocaust survivor and a loving wise woman, Edith Eger.)
“I have a special painting by my long-time friend Lucka… It’s from a different creative period than the paintings she paints today. I don’t think she knew when she painted it that it would end up with me – a person who likes prosaic things so much. The oil painting of several pairs of shoes hanging on a string crossing the sky connects our two worlds. Lucka’s beautiful, technically mastered, poetic world of hidden messages, and mine – more prosaic and minimalist. The second painting is also remarkable for me because it does not reflect Lucka’s current work but our intersections with each other. I was lucky enough to choose it from Lucka’s several artworks. It is an abstraction with an interesting colour composition. It was surprising that, at the same time, we both independently of each other painted two complementary abstractions that have had a place side by side in our home ever since.” Adela H.
“I like you. You are a person who kindles my hope that culture is still beautiful.” Evička M.
“May our Lord forever be your best friend. May you forever glorify Him with your beautiful paintings! P.S. You have an insane gift!!! Keep nurturing it! Marek H.
“Whoa! This masterpiece is indeed awe-inspiring! I LOVE your imagination! The plain windows and then those with the paintings in them make for a uniquely well done work of Art! Kudos tenfold!
“Beautiful, Luci! Your creativity is amazing, and never let anything discourage you. May the One who created everything keep encouraging you. Evka N.
“The painting from Lucia has had a very positive effect on me. Its colors are very dynamic, and vivid. It is a reviving, and refreshing element of our home, where more subdued and less expressive colors prevail.
For a person like me, the composition of the painting itself is something beyond my ability to perceive and understand. (My ability to paint is about the first grade of elementary school). It is a painting of a ship calmly floating through the sea, carried by waves, with green “sails” reminiscent of treetops. When the sea is calm, the vessel floats forwards. When a storm comes, the sails keep it afloat so it doesn’t sink. It’s a symbiosis of the elements of water, air, and earth that ensure that my wife and I sail through life’s challenges together with as little loss as possible. And in doing so, we also remember to enjoy the nice things that a voyage together brings (a table, two chairs, a candle, and two glasses of champagne)
This painting was a present for me and my then girlfriend, now my wife, for my 50th and her 40th birthday. I’m not much for gifts, but when I do get one, I appreciate it when I see the person has spent the time thinking about what to give me and carefully chose it to bring me joy. And in the case of the painting we received from Lucia – it exceeded all my expectations. By all means, it is one of the most beautiful gifts I have ever received, not only in the aesthetic and visual aspects but also in the aspect where the giver truly cared about the gift and spent a lot of her time painting it. Thank you so much, Lucia!” Robo B., my lifelong friend and former dancing partner.
“Lucka, I was drawn to the brightness of the colors in your paintings. Despite being created in harmonious pastel shades, they radiate brightness. Your artwork allows for freedom of perception and provides space for contemplation. Your paintings offer understanding, tenderness, and an invitation, as well as confrontation and challenge. They present an opportunity to confront our inner emotions and relationships. I sincerely hope that the deep inspiration that comes from the Creator of creators will continue to flow in your life. Respectfully, Beáta.”
“Dear Lucia, thanks for your great art and a nice conversation. Be brave, keep on painting (you are really good at it)! Love your art! Magdalena from Poland.
“A peace that no one can take away if we place ourselves in the hands of God. May the Lord bless you and accompany you on all your journeys.”
“While I was visiting my 97-year-old mother, I watched a young and beautiful painter named Lucia Tužinská talk about her artwork on television. Her painting appealed to me so much that I cancelled all my errands for that day and came to see her exhibition. Now, I’m looking at the painting titled “Where We Meet,” and it is truly beautiful. I’d like to thank you, Lucia, for your wonderful work and wish you all the best for your future creative endeavors.” Mária