My Art Is…

Hello, dear ones!

I’m Lucy.

Art is a gift you give to yourself as it brings healing. It is a means for us to discover who we are because it connects us with our Creator.

There are two types of people. There are those who love creating art and those who love being surrounded by art. You yourself are a work of art. As such, we have a need to fill our lives with peace, wisdom, and beauty. Art can do that. Art is a means of peace and relaxation.

My art is a cortisol antidote and a dew drop of beauty. It is a shot heavenwards and a door slightly ajar to the world beyond our everyday worries. Humanity lives in an era of hypertechnical development and an ever-increasing speed of stressful life. I believe we need to step outside the rat race for a while and let go.

Drawing from the wisdom and the narrative of fairy tales, I paint a “3-D communication map” that would lead us above, toward, and within.

I depict suggestions of meaning and nudges toward developing our own stories. I want to make people think. My painting style goes against the contemporary trend of shocking art. I offer a chance to relax, reflect and have our minds refreshed to come up with new solutions to our everyday challenges.

I believe in human connection and cooperation. Join me in the courage to go against the flow. You and I can become ambassadors of truthful beauty.

Immerse yourself in art. You deserve it.

Want to unwind for a while and have a sip of beauty? Enter, my friend, and enjoy!



1 supportive husband

3 sister-friends, the Graces

4 daughters who successfully survived…

…10 years of homeschooling.

18 years of embracing the joys and trials of motherhood.

47 years (or thereabouts), of a pencil dancing in her hands.

Dozens of creations, from drawings and watercolors, to oil paintings, and acrylic fairytales.

But beyond the numerals, amazing extended family members and friends that she will infinitely be grateful for!

I use acrylics, ink, gold paint, and sometimes collage. I work on canvas or a mounting board. I prefer the latter as it gives me a smooth surface to work on and allows for intricate details. I use the peaceful and meditative combination of blue, turquoise, and green with dashes of wine red or pink. I like medium-sized or large canvas/board (ranging from 50x70cm to 120x180cm).

My creative process is often meditation that slowly unfolds into an idea or a concept I want to convey via an artistic metaphor. Other times it’s an instant whim of inspiration triggered by seeing something that captures my attention and gets my associations reeling.

I depict suggestions of meaning and nudges toward developing our own stories. I want to make people think. My painting style goes against the contemporary trend of shocking art. I offer a chance to relax, reflect and have our minds refreshed to come up with new solutions to our everyday challenges. 

I believe in human connection and cooperation. Join me in the courage to go against the flow. You and I can become ambassadors of truthful beauty. Thank you!